Mr Wednesday launches its debut concept album The Garden where Parties Grow in Adelaide on Friday May 5 at Folwers Live. Joining the band will be a string section and they'll also be unveiling a new video show component. Special guests Mountains in the Sky, Qua, Tim Koch and DJ dAUBIST will be performing as well.
Inspired by the story telling talents of Tom Waits and Pink Floyd, and the emotional experiences of Icelandic performers Sigur Ros and Müm, the music of Mr Wednesday is comparable to reading a book, or watching a movie as it progresses from conception to conclusion. Mr Wednesday’s 13 track debut is based on the experiences of a fictional character desperate to escape the unassailable feats their of daily routine within a city.Content copyright © 1996 - 2008, Mathew Attlee | Privacy Policy | Development by Code In a Box | Valid XHTML and CSS